Friday, June 21, 2019

DASH-IF awarded Excellence in DASH award at ACM MMSys 2019

The DASH Industry Forum Excellence in DASH Award at ACM MMSys 2019 acknowledges papers substantially addressing MPEG-DASH as the presentation format and are selected for presentation at ACM MMSys 2019. Preference is given to practical enhancements and developments which can sustain future commercial usefulness of DASH. The DASH format used should conform to the DASH-IF Interoperability Points as defined by It is a financial prize as follows: first place – €1000; second place – €500; and third place – €250. The winners are chosen by a DASH Industry Forum appointed committee and results are final.

This year's award goes to the following papers (Two first places, and one third):

1. Stefan Pham, Patrick Heeren, Daniel Silhavy, Stefan Arbanowski, Evaluation of shared resource allocation using SAND for ABR streaming
(From left to right): S. Pham, A. Giladi (DASH-IF); (c) Ishita Dasgupta

1. Abdelhak Bentaleb, Christian Timmerer, Ali C. Begen, Roger Zimmermann, Bandwidth prediction in low-latency chunked streaming
(From left to right): A. Bentaleb, A. Giladi (DASH-IF); (c) Ishita Dasgupta

3. Xing Liu, Bo Han, Feng Qian, Matteo Varvello, LIME: understanding commercial 360° live video streaming services
(From left to right): X. Liu, A. Giladi (DASH-IF); (c) Ishita Dasgupta

The DASH-IF would like to congratulate all winners and hope seeing you next year at ACM MMSys 2020.

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