Friday, March 30, 2012

IEEE-TEMU-2012: 2nd Int'l Workshop on Multimedia-Aware Networking (WoMAN)

2nd Int'l Workshop on Multimedia-Aware Networking (WoMAN)
IEEE TEMU 2012: Int'l Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia
Heraklion, Crete, Greece, July 30 - August 1, 2012

Latest advances in multimedia content encoding and representation, including HDTV, 3DTV, multi-view video and associated added-value interactive services, are offering to the end user a truly rich multimedia experience. At the same time advances in communications systems and network technologies give the ability to apply in-network processing techniques in order to take advantage of the available user and media contextual information for efficient, flexible and auto-configurable media transmission. On the other hand network-aware applications and cross-layer mechanisms are being developed in order to take advantage of network information in order to adapt the media to the current network conditions, terminal capabilities, and user preferences. This workshop solicits novel contributions and breaking results on all aspects of multimedia-aware networking. In particular, workshop papers should describe algorithms, issues and experiences related to content-aware networking and network-aware applications, future (media) Internet architectures, User-Generated Content and High-popularity VoD - the CfP in PDF format is here.

We are particularly interested (but not limited to) in areas such as:
Content Aware Networking and Network Aware Applications
  • Content creation: coding (e.g., 2D/3D, SVC, HEVC), preparation, packaging
  • Content delivery: transport, streaming, live, on-demand, real-time, download
  • Content adaptation: server, in-network, client
  • Content-aware and media-aware forwarding and routing
  • Content consumption: widget
Context Aware Applications and Networks
  • Future Internet architectures and content/media centric aspects
  • Network/infrastructure management and virtualization
  • Cross-layer design, cross-layer optimization
User-Generated Content
  • User generated content creation, management and consumption systems
  • User centric media services
  • Personalized access to media systems
High-popularity VoD
  • Scalable and cost-efficient content distribution architecture
  • Optimized resources utilization and cost
  • Enhanced user experience for heterogeneous and extended user environment.
  • Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
Paper Submission Guidelines 
Submitted papers to WoMAN2012 must be unpublished, and cannot be submitted elsewhere at the same time. Accepted papers should not exceed 6 pages following the Standard IEEE conference templates for MS Word or LaTeX formats. Accepted papers longer than 6 pages will be charged €100 for each extra page. Papers cannot be longer than 8 pages. Papers should be submitted as PDF files through the EDAS system ( Your submitted PDF file and registered EDAS account of a paper must match. The author(s) must be listed in the same order and the title must match. There may be only minor wording differences in the abstract. Papers where the PDF and EDAS account do not match will be withdrawn by the Technical Program Co-Chairs. Accepted papers in WoMAN2012 will be also published in IEEE Xplore.

Review and Publication of Manuscripts
All submitted papers will be subject to three independent reviews and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. An accepted paper must be registered, and presented at the conference venue by one of the authors registered at the full registration rate. Each full registration covers up to two papers by an author.

Important Dates
Submission: 07/05/2012
Notification: 04/06/2012
Camera-ready: 25/06/2012

General Co-Chairs
Daniel Negru, LaBRI, France 
Eugen Borcoci, UPB, Romania 
Christian Timmerer, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria 
George Xilouris, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
Evangelos Markakis, TEI of Crete, Greece

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