Wednesday, April 29, 2009

STreaming Day 2009

Dear All,

following on the successful last years editions, we will organize also this year our annual informal retreat to discuss together our results and our vision on the next research hot topics.

This year's host will be Genoa University's D.I.B.E., the conference will be held in the beautiful 16th century Villa Cambiaso located at Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova, Italy We have set up a small event website at

Although this not a fully public event, we plan to make the event open to the academia research community, so all interested people (professors, researchers, PhD students) will be able to attend and submit papers. Toward this end, please feel free to invite academics you think might be interested in the event. They may also submit a paper, if they wish to do so. The major objective of Streaming Day is to gather all academics cooperating with AST in order to share technical views, and hopefully create new cooperation opportunities.

Paper subject may cover any aspect related to networked multimedia, including but not limited to multimedia streaming, coding, transport, signaling, open source frameworks, robust delivery, security and content protection, automatic content adaptation, multimedia information retrieval/tagging, peer-to-peer streaming, advanced video coding schemes, scalable/multiview/3D video coding and advanced architectures to support those algorithms/applications, user interfaces, networking issues and QoS, application layer FEC.
Topic's range is very wide, this could be an opportunity to hear about activities we normally do not have the time to follow. It is not strictly necessary to have unpublished content in the presentations. An overview presentation of recent key achievements of your group is also very valuable. Copies of the presentations and papers will be made available by ISBN-numbered DVD-ROM and online.

A technical committee will evaluate the proposed contributions and select the 8-10 most relevant submissions. The committee will be formed by STM's and academical technical experts. This process is intended just to leave some time for open discussion. An open discussion session will be organized to facilitate ideas sharing. The committee reserves the right to invite speakers for the conference.


Paper submission: You should upload a 500-word summary by July 15th on the website

Paper acceptance:
We'll let you know if your paper has been accepted for oral presentation by August 3rd. Your papers will anyhow be published on the DVD and online proceedings

Final paper submission:
You should provide us with the final presentation and an optional accompanying paper for the event by September 1st. All contributions, even if not accepted for presentation, will be included in the proceedings DVD. You are encouraged to submit a final presentation/paper even if there will be no time to present it orally during the conference.

admission is free, but in order to plan for room and catering we kindly ask anyone interested in the conference to register on the web page There is no hard deadline for registration, but we would be grateful if you could register by September 13th. We reserve the right to deny admission to the latest registrations for logistic reasons.

Thank you for helping us making this event an interesting opportunity!

Fabrizio Rovati -
ST Microelectronics - AST Labs, Agrate (MI), Italy
Marco Raggio -
Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering (D.I.B.E.) - University of Genova

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