I’m looking for forward-looking and thought-provokening articles for the Social Computing column within the IEEE Computer magazine. As you know, IEEE Computer is the flagship publication of the IEEE Computer Society (CS) which is distributed to all members (CS is the biggest society within IEEE).
The topics are related to the Special Technical Community on Social Networking (STCSN) and please submit column articles directly to me! The guidelines see below and no specific template is required (just plain text in an editable Word file is fine).
An overview of previous columns can be found here. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Guidelines for Computer Column Contributions
We encourage column editors to include contributions solicited from their colleagues to provide the six installments for their bimonthly Computer columns.
The target length for each column is 2.0-2.5 magazine pages, or about 1,500-1,900 words. Each figure or table is counted as 300 words, and obviously we prefer to include appropriate graphic elements when they are available. Max. 2,200 (if no art).
Editors are asked to remind contributors that columns do not include a bibliography or an acknowledgments section. References or URLs can be inserted inline in the text if needed.
Submitted columns should include the article title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s) and a brief bio that also provides email contact information:
//First name/last name// is a //academic title, institution, or business title, company//. Contact him at //email address.//
Image guidelines
To ensure the quality needed for print publication, we need an editable vector art file-for example, Illustrator or Visio files-for each line drawing. For each photo, we need a 4-color electronic image at 300 dpi resolution, preferably in a .tif, .png, or .jpeg format. We cannot use derivative images or images embedded in a document.
In our article layouts, the figures are usually at least 4 inches (24picas) wide. If you prefer to send screenshots, they should be approximately 12 inches wide. Our production artist can reduce these low-resolution images to 4 inches in Photoshop and process them to achieve the required resolution. If your original images are smaller than 12 inches, using a large monitor set at its highest resolution will help achieve a better screenshot. No compression is necessary.
An overview of previous columns can be found here. If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Guidelines for Computer Column Contributions
We encourage column editors to include contributions solicited from their colleagues to provide the six installments for their bimonthly Computer columns.
The target length for each column is 2.0-2.5 magazine pages, or about 1,500-1,900 words. Each figure or table is counted as 300 words, and obviously we prefer to include appropriate graphic elements when they are available. Max. 2,200 (if no art).
Editors are asked to remind contributors that columns do not include a bibliography or an acknowledgments section. References or URLs can be inserted inline in the text if needed.
Submitted columns should include the article title, author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s) and a brief bio that also provides email contact information:
//First name/last name// is a //academic title, institution, or business title, company//. Contact him at //email address.//
Image guidelines
To ensure the quality needed for print publication, we need an editable vector art file-for example, Illustrator or Visio files-for each line drawing. For each photo, we need a 4-color electronic image at 300 dpi resolution, preferably in a .tif, .png, or .jpeg format. We cannot use derivative images or images embedded in a document.
In our article layouts, the figures are usually at least 4 inches (24picas) wide. If you prefer to send screenshots, they should be approximately 12 inches wide. Our production artist can reduce these low-resolution images to 4 inches in Photoshop and process them to achieve the required resolution. If your original images are smaller than 12 inches, using a large monitor set at its highest resolution will help achieve a better screenshot. No compression is necessary.
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