Error getting URL: 999 – Unknown
This error message caused a lot of discussions at both Google and Yahoo! forums (e.g., here, here, and here) and others started to blog about it. Someone provided a workaround using a PHP script but this requires a Web server where this script is running.
Therefore, I discovered another workaround which is that one simply can put in between Yahoo! Pipes and Google Feedburner. That is, just take the output feed of Yahoo! Pipes, use it as input to and burn this output using Google Feedburner and your feeds are back online again ....

PPS: I'm not affiliated with just found it during my search for a workaround to the 999 error issue.
Try again, it should be fixed now
Thanks but I must admit that I'm quite happy with the workaround ;-) On the other hand, to many indirections is a source for new problems....
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