Friday, May 1, 2009

MPEG-V Extended Call for Proposals

--ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11/N10526
MPEG, a working group in ISO/IEC, has produced many important standards (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, and MPEG-21). MPEG feels that it is important to standardize intermediate formats and protocols for MPEG-V “Media Context & Control” in the standardization areas Control Information and Sensory Information.

As stated in the w9424 “Information exchange with Virtual Worlds 'Context, Objectives and Use Cases'” [1] the intended standard for ‘Information exchange with Virtual Worlds’ will address at least two areas of interest herein referred to as areas (see also the illustration below):

Standardization Area A: Control Information
This area covers the information representation of the control information to and from devices in the physical world and into and from the virtual world. Examples of these representations are the representation of sensory input devices like smart vision systems, environmental and body sensors and the like and sensory output rendering devices like lights, heaters, fans, displays, speakers and the like.

Standardization Area B: Sensory Information
This area covers the (bidirectional) information representation of information exchanged between the physical world and the virtual world as well as the information exchange between virtual worlds. Examples of these representations are the representation of haptic, emotion and avatar information.

MPEG has produces “MPEG-V Requirements Version 3.2” [2]. Based on these requirements MPEG would like to be informed about (additional) technologies that satisfy them, more specifically with respect to the following areas:
  • Haptics & tactile: interfaces to technologies and representation of interfaces with the user through the sense of touch including the interfaces to devices which presents haptic contents,
  • Emotions: capturing, representation and rendering of emotions,
  • Virtual goods: (as associations of Avatars), like for instance clothing for the avatar, accessories carried by the avatar (jewelry, watches, …), personal attributes the avatar can make use of (weapons, wallets, animations, …), other objects: cars, house, furniture, …), the ownership of virtual objects, rights and obligations associated to virtual goods, transfer the right of ownership (for instance after termination of a virtual identity or in case of multiple identities and the like).
Please note that the contributions can be related to all MPEG-V standardization areas.
All parties that believe they have relevant technologies for MPEG-V are invited to submit these technologies for consideration by MPEG.

Parties do not necessarily have to be MPEG members. The review of these requirements is planned in the context of the 89th MPEG meeting in London, United Kingdom. Please contact Joern Ostermann (ostermann[at]tnt[dot]uni-hannover[dot]de) and or Young-Kwon Lim (young[at]netntv[dot]co[dot]kr) for details on attending this meeting if you are not an MPEG delegate. The submissions shall be received by the 24th of June, 2009 23.59 hours GMT, by Joern Ostermann, chair of the MPEG Requirements sub-Group, ( and Young-Kwon Lim (young[at]netntv[dot]co[dot]kr), chair of the MPEG Systems sub-Group, who will upload all proposals both by MPEG and non MPEG members to the MPEG site after the submission deadline.

[1] Information exchange with Virtual Worlds 'Context, Objectives and Use Cases', (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 w9424) issued at the 82nd MPEG Meeting in Shenzhen, China.
[2] MPEG-V Requirements Version 3.2 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 w10498) issued at the 87th MPEG Meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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