Thursday, April 2, 2009

PHAROS (The European audiovisual search platform) Summer School

PHAROS (Platform for searcH of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) is glad to announce the PHAROS Summer School that will be held in Como, at the Polo Regionale of the Politecnico di Milano, on June 22-26, 2009.

PHAROS Summer School Topics

The Summer School will engage students, researchers, and practitioners in the most challenging topics of next-generation search technology, explained by top international experts in the field from both academia and industry. The addressed research areas and business scenarios include: information retrieval, signal processing, indexing and relevance computation, knowledge extraction from audiovisual data, query processing on audiovisual data, content based search, social search, development methodologies for social search-based applications, and business scenarios for audiovisual search. The Summer School will feature a training program of five full days dedicated to the hottest topics in audiovisual search, whereby the attendees will get in touch with the principles and practices of information access in rich media. Participants will also experience a close-by view of the PHAROS platform and its technological components and learn how to develop advanced audiovisual search applications in practice.

Contact: Silvia Boi. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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